X-TRUCKS is a company part of Grupo 201 Oficial, specialized in high resistance and quality bumpers, focused in durability and with the best mechanical properties.
Grupo 201 Oficial was born in 1945 in Mexico City, specializing in the manufacture of rubber products, specially fronton balls and later on in other balls for other racket and hand sports, being the official ball of fronton in Olympic, Panamerican and Centralamerican Games, as well as National and World Championships.
This was only possible thanks to the constant research and development in the rubber manufacturing, which allows us to set physical charasteristics, resistance, bounce and many other essential factors in order to be the official ball in these kind of events, for the proper performance of the sports.

All of the above has allowed that the group acquires the right experience in the formulation of rubber products focused in high resistance jobs and complying with high standards in their physical and mechanical properties, favouring us in the design and manufacture of high impact products for cargo vehicles under the X-TRUCKS.